The instructor holds the air shield high, at face level. He is prepared to withdraw the air shield when the student strikes to avoid too much impact on the student’s hand. Again, the student must feel the impact, so that he can gauge the power of his strike. Retract the shield just a micro-instant after ...
Read More »Reality Check
The Prison Tale Continues
This month, we are going to examine the “prison bully” story told in last month’s article such that we can profit from its lessons in self-defense. We first need to realize that while those events occurred in the crucible of prison life, the lessons they teach aply to human conflict in any environment. All of ...
Read More »Understanding Adrenal-Stress Effects, Part 1
I want to relate some of the very powerful effects that adrenal stress has on the human mind and body. As an instructor, you must understand how the adrenal reaction can affect a student’s ability to defend himself during an actual encounter. We ask applicants to our RMCAT self-defense course if they have ever been ...
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