How do honesty, integrity and strong personal character help a martial arts instructor become a better leader? Zig Ziglar answers… You must have someone to lead before you’re able to lead. You must determine what your students want from life, and then try to help them. That’s the underlying purpose of the martial arts: enabling ...
Read More »Martial Arts Professional Asks…
Mastering the Martial Arts Business Asks…. Brian Tracy and Tom Hopkins.
What are some of the reasons so many people fail to achieve their goals?
Read More »Martial Arts Professional Asks… Jay Abraham, Marketing Guru
What would you recommend to martial arts school owners to improve their advertising? Jay Abraham answers… First, set very specific goals for your advertising. Make sure the ads are designed to be direct response and focused strictly on the reader, stating what is in it for him or her. Include a call-to-action message. Offer information, ...
Read More »Jean Claude Van Damme, Martial Arts Film Star
What advice would you give martial arts professionals who want to achieve higher levels of success? Jean Claude Van Damme answers… The mind is the most powerful thing. Therefore, it is important for you to use your mind to be the best you can be. Use the power of your mind to maintain a healthy, ...
Read More »Tony Robbins, Personal Development Expert
What advice would you give instructors in the area of leadership, since they are leaders in their schools and communities? Tony Robbins answers… You don’t work on leadership, but your spiritual intent, and that’s not a religious reference. The roots determine whether a plant lives or die, likewise with leadership. When you recognize a great ...
Read More »Brian Tracy, Karate Black Belt and Human Potential Expert
Why is it important to have a crystal-clear vision of where a person wants to go in life? Brian Tracy answers… This is one of the most important things I’ve ever learned: Successful people tend to be future-oriented. Unsuccessful people tend to be present- or past-oriented. You can tell if a person will be successful ...
Read More »Martial Arts Professional Asks…. Tom Hopkins, The Builder of Sales Champions
In your view, how much time and effort should instructors invest in generating leads for new students? Tom Hopkins answers… A school owner’s most important investment of time and effort is to sell memberships. A major part of that effort is to become known as an expert, an advisor in physical fitness and marital arts, ...
Read More »Martial Arts Professional Asks… Bill Amelio, 2nd-Degree Black Belt and CEO of Lenovo
One of the challenges of martial arts professionals and school owners is a resistance to change. Do you believe in change, if it makes sense? Absolutely. The world is changing around us and if we aren’t able to adapt to that change, then we’ll perish. As Tony Robbins says, either grow or die. Just as ...
Read More »Martial Arts Professional Asks… Tom Hopkins, The Builder of Sales Champions
Renewing students from a short-term beginner program to a long-term Black Belt program is a process that occurs at virtually all martial arts school. How can martial arts instructors use pre-framing to make their renewal process smoother and more successful? Tom Hopkins answers… First, I think it’s very important that instructors show a real personal ...
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